SC/ ST Cell
The Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST) Cell in the institute promotes the special interests of students in the reserved category and to guide the students to optimally utilise the benefits of the schemes offered by the Government of India. The purpose of the committee is to empower SC/ST students by facilitating financial support to such students from government agencies and other sources. The committee encourages these students to enrol for career orientation programs to equip them with necessary skills. The cell provides counselling to them in case of any emotional emergencies along with any academic or personal issues. The cell attends to any grievances of these students to create any environment of safety and equality.
· To circulate State Govt. and UGC decisions about different scholarship programs
· To counsel and guide SC/ST students and help them to manage academic and personal issues of college life effectively
· To arrange for special opportunities to enhance the carrier growth
· To equip SC/ST students with necessary soft skills with the help of career orientation programs
Chairman: Dr. Mehul Tithalia
1. Mrs. Bhavika Tandel
2. Mr. Dharmesh Patel
3. Mr. Sunil Rathod