Website Development
College website is a source of information related to the general information of the college, infrastructure, courses offered, various departments and committees, staff information, activities and functions conducted in college, alumni corner etc. Anyone can have access to any information related to college from the website. The contact details of the college can be gathered from the website too. The committee's efforts will also ensure that the college's mission and goals are served in short- and long-term website planning. The committee will update the website periodically to maintain accuracy of information, activities, courses and other significant details related to college. The committee will utilize the website for promotion and marketing purpose of the institute as well along with enhancing the brand image in the academic world
· To provide academic and administrative information to the students
· To disseminate the achievements of the college, students, staff to the outer world
· To promote the professional network and enhance the image of the college
· To display information and images of various academic courses offered by the college
· To display information and pictures related to various programmes conducted in college
· To display core values, Vision and Mission of college
1. Dr. Hetal Panchal
2. Dr. Akruti Naik
3. Dr. Dhimen Jani
4. Dr. Yatin Solanki
5. Dr. Nirav Desai
6. Mr. Divyesh Patel
7. Dr. Riddhima Desai
8. Dr. Nigam Desai